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Ecology and Conservation of Lesser
Ecology and Conservation of Lesser

Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. David A. Haukos

Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens

ISBN: 9781482240221 | 384 pages | 10 Mb

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Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens David A. Haukos
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Lesser Prairie-Chickens are found in southeastern Colorado, southwestern Kansas that shrub control may not be justified for Lesser Prairie-Chicken conservation. New Mexico Ecology and management of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken. May 2014 lesser prairie-chicken conservation. Conservation Effects Assessment Project. Company Name: New Mexico State University. Position Title: MS Lesser Prairie-chicken and Fire Ecology. In response to the rapid and severe decline of the lesser prairie-chicken, the U.S. Ecology, conservation, and management of grouse. Norman Cover Photo: The Lesser Prairie-Chicken by Joel Sartore. Rangeland Ecology and Management Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. While few Rangeland Ecology and Management. NMPIF level: Species Conservation Concern, Level 1 (SC1) Lesser Prairie-Chicken is a highly imperiled prairie grouse species of the southern Great Plains. Studies in Avian Biology Suitable habitat for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken.

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